mercredi 16 décembre 2009

Awa-news 15: Lonely Lady #17?

in English
n°15, 17th of December, 2009

Here we are

Dear friends, fans and passing smiles,

it's been 3 months that you read Awa-news every week. Thank you for your faithfulness. Awa-news takes a little break for Xmas and New Year, then will be back in January. In waiting, why not telling Awa-news what you think of it, what you would like to read, what you like, what you hate...?

Feel free to send your opinion here!

OK, time to jump into Awa-news number 15!


Artists sometimes say very smart sentences, with or without knowing.

It's rock'n'roll philosophy time!

Cherish forever what makes you unique, 'cuz you're really a yawn if it goes. (Bette Midler)


Inside Awaken

What are the hottest news in Awaken's Universe?


electric time tape 1988

I see your surprised face: "Awaken is back? But Awaken never ceased to release songs! We're overwhelmed by Awaken songs! How dare you say it's back?".

Calm down dude! The last official record of Awaken was in early 2008, it was the single I Know Time Is Passing By... and since then, no new release has been seen around. Capito?

"What about the album This Mouth then? And the Yellow Line? And the Blue Hanger?"

Yep, but this isn't Awaken, this is Gilles Snowcat from Awaken. Awaken, as a band, has been sleeping until September of this year. And now we have a new single currently on the mixing process, if ever we can say there is a mixing process in Awaken. It will be available soon online on pay-per-download only.

You will be delighted to hear musicians begged, borrowed or stolen from the cream of the indie scene.




Our interview:

SASTIEN: I don’t have a boss anymore, it’s useless.

The online market brings its lot of discoveries, even some bands having split for years. How to describe Tertius' music? Can we say it's based on jams and sounds like a punk band with progressive influences? Hmmm... the saxophone brings a touch of jazz too. But let the stickers go to hell, and let's ask Tertius' drummer, Sastien, to tell us more.

-Nice to meet you, Sastien. Please use three words to introduce yourself.
-Sastien: My first boss nicknamed me: hunger, tiredness and stress. I don’t have a boss anymore, it’s useless.

-What brought you to become an active musician?
-Sastien: Phil Collins. I was a fan of his career as a drummer and wanted to become one. I always think there is magic in the air when he seats behind a kit.

-You were drummer of the Tertius, a band that seemed to love to jam. Can you tell us more about that experience?
-Sastien: When we started, we were suffering from a big lack of technique. So we jammed a lot because it was the only thing we were able to do. As time passes by, we improved a lot and finally began to write structured pieces.

-Among your work, what is the piece that you think represents you the most, and why?
-Sastien: One of our last tunes was named “La tête du batteur”. Very fast and groovy, very complicated, with a lot of changes. I guess we were a progressive band who ignored it. I was the only one in the band who liked progressive music, I kinda liked the idea that we were making that kind of stuff.

-Any song you’re ashamed of, and why?
-Sastien: No, I am not ashamed of anything we played during almost 15 years. Even of the song “Sexy woman”. I have written the lyrics and was the one who sang it. It was a crying shame but it was a lot of fun to sing (while drumming).

-If you had a magic wand, in what band would you play right now?
-Sastien: Hard to tell. I mean, when I really like a drummer, I don’t see why I should replace him! Maybe Awaken, this band really needs a drummer…

-What would you say to Awa-news readers who might not know you, to convince them to listen to your albums?
-Sastien: I am proud of that music, but unfortunately we never got the chance to record an album properly. We were a live band, and now we have split. It’s a shame.

-In the 70’s, drummers like Ian Paice, Carmine Appice, John Bonham, Bill Ward or Peter Criss, who had the ‘hard-rock’ label sticked on their forehead, were usually influenced by jazz and classical music, which made their style so rich and tasty. Nowadays hard-rock drummers seem to be influenced by those hard-rock musicians only. Therefore, do you feel that their style lack of something?
-Sastien: Sometimes, the groove is missing. They also sometimes beat their drums to strong (even if like that very much!), forgetting that a drum kit is also a musical instrument. You have forgotten Vinnie Appice in your list, the guy has a great sense of musicality, like his brother.

-Last but not least, would you openly admit that you are an Awaken fan?
-Sastien: Of course, I even thought of playing the drums with that band!



Long ago

What happened on December some years ago?

Let's jump into Awa-news' time machine...

07/12/1984: Foreigner releases the album Agent Provocateur.

09/12/1984: Razzle, drummer of the glam band Hanoi Rocks, dies in a car crash which seriously injured two other innocents. The driver of the car survived and is hopefully still haunted by the loss of his friend.

19/12/1941: Maurice White says hello to the Elements. Mainly a drummer from the Chicago scene, he creates Earth Wind & Fire in the beginning of the 70's and gradually becomes the lead singer of the band, until recently.


33 rpm

You like Awaken? You *will* like this album:

NEIL DIAMOND, Lovescape (1991)

Released in 1991, Lovescape in another proof that many singers are like good wine: they get better as they grow older. Neil Diamond releases a rather modern album, although less obviously high-tech than his records from the 80's. Some pieces are quite easy FM songs but are enhanced by Diamond's unique voice ("Mountains Of Love", "Don't Turn Around"), while other are nothing but jewels ("Fortune Of The Night", "Lonely Lady #17", "Someone Who Believes In You", "When You Miss Your Love" or the lively cover of "One Hand, One Heart"). Kim Carnes was around for a duo ("Hooked On The Memory Of You") and fans of the classic Diamond won't be disappointed with the opener "If There Were No Dreams". A must-listen. Can you swear you resist to "Lonely Lady #17"?



Next week

Awa-news takes some vacation and will be back with a new serie of interviews and more news about the Awaken Galaxy. Enjoy your end-of-the-year parties and if you're still alive, we'll surely meet again.




email: awamail(at)hellokitty(dot)com

Awaken main sites:

It's Oh! Music

CD Baby


© AWAKEN-Awanews-


Beppu Nights

[downloadable pdf version here]


mercredi 9 décembre 2009

Awa-news 14: Inside the lonely building...

in English
n°14, 10th of December, 2009


Here we are

Dear friends, fans and passing smiles,

are you shopping in some depaato, expecting some snow to fall? The Christmas songs are now everywhere, till the point you start to puke. You thought you could escape them in the Awaken Magnetic Universe? Missed! Here they are too. But... in a magnetic way.

OK, time to jump into Awa-news number 14!



Artists sometimes say very smart sentences, with or without knowing.

It's rock'n'roll philosophy time!

In writing songs I've learned as much from Cezanne as I have from Woody Guthrie. (Bob Dylan)


Inside Awaken

What are the hottest news in Awaken's Universe?


What!? After more than 20 years, Awaken-Nekokawa-Snowcat-whatever still hadn't release any Christmas album!? Sad but true. This old dream now comes true. Well, this is not an album, but a virtual 45-rpm. And to be included in the bootlegs collection. Yep, only true fans will receive it, this is a very special private present.

You Make It Feel Like Christmas Won't Be The Same This Year features two Xmas classics covered by the old cat Snowcat: Neil Diamond's "You Make It Feel Like Christmas" and the Jackson 5's "Christmas Won't Be The Same This Year". But would a Snowcat Xmas record be complete without an original tune? Well, that's why a special mix of "The Blue Hanger", the 'Merry Xmix', is closing the single on a disco mood.

You can download for free the single here. And enjoy your Xmas, whatever you do, wherever you are.




Our interview:

MARCO MARIANI: C'est mon esprit qui rêve

Anam... Anam.. Anam... Peut être entendras tu ce nom, chanté par la pluie ou soufflé par le vent. Peut être te sera t'il susurré par le feu ou crié par la terre. Peut être l'entendras tu si tu tends l'oreille dans la forêt ou le verras tu inscris dans les étoiles. Peut être ton âme le percevra t'elle au plus profond d'elle même... Ouvre ton coeur et laisse toi porter par ce nom ancestral... Car Anam arrive et espère te combler te paix.

These French words are the mysterious introduction to Eirenya and Marco Mariani's band Anam, an interesting project exploring the fields of celtic music with the passionate spirit of Marco, whom we interviewed today.

-Nice to meet you, Marco. Please use three words to introduce yourself.
-Marco: Italien du côté du père, espagnol-pied noir du côté de ma mère. J'ai 21 ans, presque 22, je suis brun aux cheveux légèrement longs et je fais 1m73. J'aime la vie, les grands paysages, les amis et bien sûr la musique.

-What brought you to become an active musician?
-Marco: Hé bien c'est la musique, tout simplement. Le fait d'écouter en boucle la live 93 de Laurent Voulzy, les vieux disques des Who, ainsi que Dire Straits m'a donné envie d'acheter ma première guitare. Ce n'est que depuis que j'ai commencé à être fan de Genesis que je me suis mis à composer.

-What's the meaning behind the name of your new band, Anam?
-Marco: C'est tout simplement le mot "âme" qui se trouve ici dans sa consonance gaélique, la seconde langue de l'Ecosse et de l'Irlande. Nous l'avons choisi ainsi car avec Eirenya, nous sommes grands fans de musiques celtiques, en particulier d'Enya, et nous voulions leur rendre hommage. Ce sont des musiques qui, selon nous et bien plus que d'autres, s'adressent directement à l'âme.

-Among your work, what is the piece that you think represents you the most, and why?
-Marco: Pour l'instant, nous et même pas moi tout seul n'avons pas une oeuvre très conséquente et je dirais que chaque chanson que j'ai composé me ressemble à un moment ou à un autre de ma vie, aussi bien les "dépressives" (même si elles ne sont plus d'actualité) que les plus enjouées, celles qui parlent de voyage (c'est mon esprit qui rêve) et les plus romantiques.

-Any song you’re ashamed of, and why?
-Marco: Pour le moment, il n'y en a aucune. Mis à part peut-être celle que j'ai écrite sur mes amis, parce que je n'ai pas pris la liberté de tous les citer et du coup elle ne sera même pas enregistrée, je l'ai laissée tomber.

-If you had a magic wand, in what band would you play right now?
-Marco: Je ne suis pas assez pro pour jouer avec n'importe quel groupe de mon choix malheureusement. Mais si j'y arrivais, ce serait bien sûr Genesis.

-What would you say to Awa-news readers who might not know you, to convince them to listen to your albums?
-Marco: Je leur dirai "Laisser reposer votre esprit, laissez-le se promener pour cette nouvelle aventure".

-You have a strong admiration for Camel and Phil Collins. How do they influence your own music?
-Marco: Phil Collins, ce sera surtout pour les ballades, et tout comme Camel, j'en retiens principalement les ambiances et les mélodies, ainsi que la sensibilité contenue dans toute cette oeuvre.

-Last but not least, would you openly admit that you are an Awaken fan?
-Marco: Pas pour le moment, car je ne connais pas assez bien l'oeuvre d'Awaken. Mais ce n'est que partie remise !



Long ago

What happened on December some years ago?

Let's jump into Awa-news' time machine...

18/12/1938: Chas Chandler says hello to the world, without knowing that he would become a famous Animal years later.

16/12/1988: Sylvester says bye-bye to the world, but is still alive in the hi-nrg disco mind. Mighty unreal?

15/12/2006: Awaken releases the "Beppu Nights" EP. (hee hee hee).


33 rpm

You like Awaken? You *will* like this album:

AL STEWART, Russians & Americans (1984)

The 80's were such an interesting era. The last really creative period for modern music. Nowadays music just recycles previous decades and plays it a bit too safe. That's why it's great to jump into the heart of those underrated albums like Al Stewart's Russians & Americans. Famous for his Year Of The Cat and labeleld 'folk singer', Al Stewart is much more than that and was, in the 80's, at the peak of his creativity. Follwing a rocky 24 P/Carrots, Russians & Americans changes direction to cover grounds of more synthesized music ("Rumours Of War"), sophisticated melodic pop ("Lori Don't Go Right Now"), introspective acoustic songs ("Accident On 3rf Street"), grandiloquent cabaret rock (the slightly pinkfloydish "Cafe Society") or new-wave ("Strange Girl", typically 1984). Stewart doesn't forget his stylistic habits either: some Spanish guitar ("The Gypsy & The Rose"), some folk (the superb "Russians & Americans") and a funny cover of Len Barry's "1-2-3", with a funky touch. The album ends with a stunningly beautiful dark tune, "The Candidate", putting a melancholic mood in the air and leaving us into a bitter-sweet spleen like ir was the case with 1978's "End Of The Day". Stewart's voice is as unique as ever and his lyrics always clever or ironic or most likely both.

Nota #1: Awaken fans already know that "The Candidate" has been covered on Party In Lyceum's Toilets (and if you don't, it's time to remember, don't you think?), but other songs from Russians & Americans were awakenized on other tapes and on the You Should Have Listened To AsmL tribute albums.

Nota #2: The American edition features, for no reason that I know, a different track-listing.



Next week

Next week is next week. And to quote Al Stewart: you'll be a movie star... next time.

Take care and see you!



email: awamail(at)

Awaken main sites:

It's Oh! Music

CD Baby


© AWAKEN-Awanews-


Beppu Nights

[downloadable pdf version here]
