vendredi 19 décembre 2008


Chào ông Derrick, và... cám ơn !
Salut Derrick, et merci !
Bye bye Mr Derrick, and thanks a lot.

jeudi 4 décembre 2008









mardi 18 novembre 2008

Album mới ! 新しいアルバム !

Dear friends, fans and passing smiles,

it's been quite a while.

Winter comes as no surprise, and the city lights are already under the charm and the (unexpected) melancholy of the Christmas atmosphere. Some of you expressed the wish to see a new Awaken album for that period of the year. There is one. Not what you may have expected, though. Actually, after more than 20 years of under-underground activity, AWAKEN has been put under maitenance and refreshment. In waiting, Gilles Snowcat recorded an urgent solo mini-album, to continue to spread the magnetic soul of the AWAKEN nebula.

"This Mouth... (Nhạc cho Em Mèo)" is the latest, if not last, part of the BEPPU NIGHTS galaxy, started more than 2 years ago with "Cà Phê & Pizza".

This Mouth (nha.c cho Em Me`o)

click on the image to download the album

"This Mouth... (Nhạc cho Em Mèo)" is a concept-album, based on magnetic soul ~ love music boosted by kabosu acid (green lemon from Ôita prefecture in Japan), forbidden liquors from mountains and valleys, German wine and other unexplanable sensations. The six pieces (7 if you count the bonus track) have been recorded on a state of emergency that already makes this concept album special among Awaken / Snowcat discography. The trip will include the following destinations:

1. Nhạc cho Em Mèo (part 1)

2. They burn the mountain

3. Don't worry, Em Mèo

4. 香母酢♪蜂蜜♪スナック (Kabosu ~ hachimitsu ~ snack) -interlude-

5. The blue hanger

6. 柳ヶ浦 (Yanagigaura)

bonus track: Nhạc cho Em Mèo (part 2)

"This Mouth... (Nhạc cho Em Mèo)" is available on free download only, at the following places:

Awaken mp3 page

Jamendo Gilles Snowcat page

Turn off the light, enjoy your favorite drink, relax and push the player ON. The magnetic soul soon starts to take you where you couldn't really expect.

Have a magnetic


samedi 25 octobre 2008

Watertown... Thành Phố Nước... 水町

A present for Awaken fans... meet the spirits of 1983 in Watertown... click on the image to download !

Có một món quà cho fans của Awaken... có thể gặp của năm 1983 ở "Thành Phố Nước"... Click trên hình để download !

泡件のファン達のためのプレゼントがある... 水町で1983年の精に会う事のができる... ダウンロードが欲しかったら、絵をクリックしてね!



dimanche 19 octobre 2008

Bad bad music... Nhạc xấu xấu... すごく悪い音楽...

Untitled Document

(English - Tiếng Việt - 日本語)

Dear magnetized friends,

while new magnetic recordings are currently being captured, there's something to keep you waiting. Gilles Snowcat took his old thermo-ionic tubes recorder and contributed to "The Worst Music here on Jamendo #2", a compilation album where each contributor tries its best to record the most pain-generating music possible. Awaken fans will surely recognize new versions pain in the ear of two classics, "2D-Ghosts" and "Seaside Casino Romance".

Worst Music

Was Snowcat drunk when he recorded it ? You'll be judge...

Worst Music

Các bạn được lôi cuốn thân mến,

các bạn có khỏe không ? Có tin tức vui nhé...

Worst Music

Có lẽ ông Mèo Tuyết đã say rượu khi ghi âm hai bản mới của bài hát "2D-Ghosts" và "Seaside Casino Romance" mà fans của Awaken biết rồi nhỉ... Mèo Tuyết đã tham gia vào album "The Worst Music here on Jamendo #2" (= "Nhạc xấu nhất tại Jamendo"). Cẩn thận, nhạc này làm đau tai !

Download và nghe:

Hẹn gặp lại nhé...

Worst Music



Worst Music

多分、『2D-Ghosts』と『Seaside Casino Romance』の新しいバージョンを録音する時に、雪猫ジル君は酔っ払いになりました。その録音はアルバムの『The Worst Music here on Jamendo #2』のため。「Jamendoの一番悪い音楽」という意味です。ご注意下さい、この音楽を聴いたら、耳が痛いかもしれない...




Worst Music

samedi 11 octobre 2008


Easy to buy ! AWAKEN is on iTunes!

Dễ mua ! AWAKEN trên iTunes !


Facile d'acheter Awaken: c'est sur

vendredi 26 septembre 2008

教会... Nhóm... Gruppe... 小組... Gruppo... Groep... Goup... Groupe


New New New

Awaken on Facebook

! フレンド

Đuổi kịp nhóm
Awaken trên
Facebook nhé !

mee in de groep Awaken op

Awaken on Facebook

Rejoins Awaken
Facebook !



Sie sich der Gruppe
an !

Unisca il gruppo Awaken !

New New New


mardi 16 septembre 2008


Bye Mr Wright. And thank you.
Chào, thầy Wright. Và cám ơn.
Salut, "Maître" Wright. Et merci.

samedi 6 septembre 2008

AWA-NEWS 6th of September 2008

itled Document
AWA-NEWS 6th of September 2008

(English - 日本語 - Tiếng Việt - Français)

Dear friends, fans and passing smiles, Awaken is back from Beppu, with a bag full of ideas, strange cats and time-travel plans. In waiting for the breaking news, here's an appetizer. A good one.


Các bạn thân mến, các bạn có khỏe không? Tôi đã ở Beppu (Nhật) nhưng phải ở Bỉ... Tôi có nhiều hứng nhạc, Mèo Kít Ti và ý định du lịch trong thì giờ. Đây là tin tức mới...

Salut à toutes et tous, un sac d'idées, de chats étranges et projets de voyage dans le temps, voilà le menu de la rentrée d'Awaken... C'est tout ? Non, il y a plus fort. D'ici quelques jours. En attendant :

SousBock 2008

Awaken’s Zoé de York (guitar) and Gilles Snowcat (keyboards) both appear, as guest musicians, on Sousbock’s new album « Une Ombre Qui Danse ».

泡件のZoé de Yorkさんと雪猫ジル君(Gilles Snowcat)はバンドSousbockの新しいアルバムの『Une Ombre Qui Danse 』にゲスト・ミュージシャンいます。Zoé さんはギターを弾いて、雪猫君はキーボードを引きました。

Zoé de York (đàn ghi-ta) và Ông Mèo Tuyết Từ Lưu (Gilles Snowcat) (đàn keyboards) chơi trên an-bom mới của ban nhạc Sousbock, tên « Une Ombre Qui Danse ».

Zoé de York (guitar) et Gilles Snowcat (claviers) font tous deux une apparition sur le nouvel album de Sousbock, « Une Ombre Qui Danse ».

Beppu Nights by ProgRésiste

Our mini-album « Beppu Nights » has been reviewed by magazine Prog-Résiste.


Tạp chí tên Prog-Résiste đã viết một bài phê bình về an-bom mini « Beppu Nights » của Awaken.

Notre mini-album « Beppu Nights » a fait l'objet d'une petite review dans le magazine Prog-Résiste.

See you soon for more !


Hẹn gặp lại nhé !

A plus !

dimanche 27 juillet 2008

News | ニュース | Tin tức

News ニュース Tin tức

28/7/2008 2008年7月28日 Ngày 28 Tháng 7 Năm 2008

English 日本語 Tiếng Việt


Dear friends, fans and passing smiles,

August will be a kind of holiday for Awaken. Holiday for an artist who spends all his life on vacation, doesn’t it sound weird ? That’s Awaken, after all.

Here are some goodies, some newies, some oldies, to help you spend the month August in a more magnetic may.

Riding The Yellow Line Gives Vibrations

To thank you for your patience and faithful support, here’s a new piece of music and images all about the vibrations that crossing a yellow line can create. It has been taken in Beppu city, the energetic center of Awaken’s recent inspiration.

Yellow line

Get ready to feel the vibrations by watching it on Youtube or download it.



Frenchy style


Does French language sound like poetry to your ears? You’ve heard Awaken in English, Vietnamese and even Japanese: why not opening another door and let Gilles Snowcat’s French songs join the party ?

Here are 4 rare demo songs, recorded in Autumn of 2001:

Radio Günz

After the mini-concert recorded at Radio Si, Awaken did a new contribution by re-recording a brand new version of the opening section of the Four Dreams Suite : “Günz”, that became part of Comme Sur Des Roulettes’s jingles.

Four Dreams Suite


From lesson 12 on, a new character arrived in VinaTown, to converse with your beloved Phương and Tim: chị Hải.

To get to know her, jump on our Lesson 12. A direct flight to VinaTown :


And it’s time to introduce you the site of our friend Stefan from Germany. Topic ? Việt Nam !


Visit the Nudelbär (“noodle bear”) right now.

That’s all for today. Have a nice Summer and see you again when the beautiful and melancholic month of September will knock on our doors.




Riding The Yellow Line Gives Vibrations

新曲のリリースが出来た!ビデオだけあるですが、別府市についてです。タイトルは『Riding The Yellow Line Gives Vibrations』です。

Yellow line

Youtubeで見て :


Frenchy style




VINATOWNのオンラインベトナム語の学校は新しい人がいます、名前は「chị Hải」です。

会いたかったら、是非クリックしてね :




Nudelbär (麺の熊と言う意味です)を是非見て下さい。


Tin tức

Riding The Yellow Line Gives Vibrations

Bài hát mi "Riding The Yellow Line Gives Vibration"ờ trên Online ! Đây là "phim Beppu" đó.

Yellow line



Frenchy style


Bạn thích nghe bài hát Awaken bằng tiếng gì ? Bạn đã nghe Awaken bằng tiếng Anh, Việt và Nhật rồi. Còn tiếng Pháp thì sao ? Nếu bạn thích tiếng Pháp, thì chắc là sẽ thích bài hát cũ (năm 2001) của Gilles Snowcat. Bạn có thế download ở đây:


Từ bài học số 12, một nhân vật mới đã ra trên video của Vinatown: chị Hải, mà là một bạn của Phương.

To get to know her, jump on our Lesson 12. A direct flight to VinaTown :


Bây giờ, có một trang web khác về Việt Nam được làm từ bạn của chúng tôi, Stefan (Đức): Nudelbär (nghĩa là “con gấu mì dẹt”)


Hãy hẹn gặp lại vào Tháng 9 nhé !

vendredi 18 juillet 2008

Charlie-Hebdo se passe de Siné ? Passons-nous de Charlie Hebdo !

Lectrices et lecteurs de Charlie-Hebdo, il est temps de résilier vos abonnements. Le ‘politiquement correct’ n’est pas qu’un cliché, c’est une réalité, une pourriture de l’esprit qui gagne même la presse contestataire. Déjà qu'en lisant Charlie, il fallait se farcir les nouvelles recrues à la plume pleurnicharde à peine digne de Libé (A.André, M.Dautrey, E.Veil, F.Wenner ou le pseudo scientifique A.Fischetti qui est aussi dogmatique que ce qu’il prétend combattre), si en plus la vieille garde se barre, Charlie Hebdo ne va bientôt plus ressembler qu’à un fanzine de la gôôôôôche élitiste mêlée à un tract de la CGT.

L’affaire vient d’une phrase de l’excellent Siné :

« Jean Sarkozy, digne fils de son paternel et déjà conseiller général de l'UMP, est sorti presque sous les applaudissements de son procès en correctionnelle pour délit de fuite en scooter. Le Parquet a même demandé sa relaxe ! Il faut dire que le plaignant est arabe ! Ce n'est pas tout : il vient de déclarer vouloir se convertir au judaïsme avant d'épouser sa fiancée, juive, et héritière des fondateurs de Darty. Il fera du chemin dans la vie, ce petit ! »

Evidemment, il n’en a pas fallu plus pour que des accusations d’antisémitisme lui tombent sur la gueule. Même de la part de Philippe Val (directeur de Charlie), pourtant généralement assez intelligent pour éviter de tomber dans ce genre d’amalgame minable. Val exige des excuses à Siné, lequel réagit fort à propos :

« Si Jean Sarkozy se convertissait à l'islam pour épouser la fille d'un émir ou à l'hindouisme pour épouser une fille de maharadja, je l'aurais écrit aussi. Quant à faire des excuses à Sarkozy et à Darty, autant me couper les couilles tout de suite. »

Effectivement, imaginez la phrase écrite différemment : « Ce n'est pas tout : il vient de déclarer vouloir se convertir au bouddhisme avant d'épouser sa fiancée, bouddhiste, et héritière des fondateurs de Darty. Il fera du chemin dans la vie, ce petit ! »
Y aurait-il eu la même levée de boucliers ? L’aurait-on traîté d’anti-bouddhaïque ?
Probablement pas. On me rétorquera que les nazis n’ont pas éliminé des millions de bouddhistes pendant la guerre, que ceci explique cela. Soit. Mais toutes les religions (et même l’athéisme qui, en se positionnant contre les religions, en devient une) ont droit à un jugement égal. La décision de Val est donc parfaitement ridicule et indigne de la qualité de la rédaction de Charlie.

Donc continuez à lire Charlie pour ce qui lui reste de qualité (Cavanna, Polac, les dessins de Charb, et surtout Luz, puis Luce Lapin, Satouf, Mercier et Fourest) mais ne l’achetez plus. Lisez-le en librairie, discrètement. Ne versez plus un centime à Val tant que Siné ne sera pas revenu. Ou que Val ne soit pas parti. Val pourra toujours intégrer l’équipe de Libé à qui il lèche tant le cul depuis des années, au point de leur offrir de la pub dans le journal, lui qui pourtant crache sur elle avec la virulence d’une mygale en rut. Lui qui ne supporte aucune remise en question de toute forme de grève ou de manif, mais qui pleurnichait lorsque l'équipe de Libé s’était elle-même mise en grève.
Bonne bourre, Siné, profite de tes disques de jazz et de tes bonnes liqueurs et autres vins de grand cru. Laisse ses couilles-molles de Val et consorts s’empêtrer dans ce qui fût, à une époque, le successeur de Hara-Kiri.

références : ... _3236.html ... 89097.html

vendredi 11 juillet 2008

Awaken live at Radio Si : the report.

Dear friends, fans and passing smiles,

while some of you enjoy holidays, Awaken made its timid yet tangible return to the live world. It's been three years without playing in front of an audience (last time was a Vietnamese party) and this mini-concert at Radio Si was a refreshing and energetic moment.

It was a synthesizer/voice solo concert, myself only, and even though this light formula has its limits, it was a nice opportunity to give a live angle to the most recent répertoire of Awaken, from 2006 until now.

The program "Comme Sur Des Roulettes" at Radio Si has the particularity of being held mostly by people in wheelchair. Though the themas are slightly oriented toward life of people in wheelchair, this program has the same open mind on the world's cultures than any program that would be seen as "normal" by some high-powers.

The Radio Si team

Last November, I already had the chance to be interviewed by "Comme Sur Des Roulettes" and we made the plan to meet again around some instruments to do some kind of live show in the studio. This edition was special, not because of Awaken, but because it sadly seems to be the last one. Radios are suffering these days in Brussels, due to political things that I try not to want to understand.

But I know the team has what it takes to do something else and make the end of "Comme Sur Des Roulettes" the beginning of something even better. You bet ?

Note the presence of Hello Kitty !

Back to Awaken, I had a lot of fun to play and improvise around the following pieces :

1) Misty Conclusion / The Last Escape Of Lady S (4 Dreams Suite)

2) Beppu Nights

3) The Train Is Leaving Kokura / Xúp Sô-Cô-La / The Train Is Leaving Kokura (conclusion)

4) As A Start: Cà Phê & Pizza / I Know Time Is passing By…

5) Chisel Hotel’s Breakfast / The Collectivists

This mini-concert followed an interview and the airing of the single "Áo Dài Màu Hồng" and was followed by some beers and waffles to illustrate a bunch of philosophical discussions.

Interview time.

Thank you to Radio Si, Comme Sur des Roulettes and you fans who support Awaken any which way. Have a nice month of July and meet you for the next live.

Gilles Snowcat

vendredi 4 juillet 2008

Live at Radio Si, unplugged

Dear friends, fans and passing smiles,

for you in Brussels who like to turn on your radio to discover new feelings, I have a good news. You are not in Brussels ? Radio Si is online too ! Let's read the details below :

Radio Si
101.9 FM (Brussels)
Show : "Comme sur des roulettes"
When ? 09 Jul 2008 - 10:30
Brussels / online (
The last show of "Comme Sur Des Roulettes" (10:30am-12) will feature Awaken’s Gilles Snowcat playing a few songs unplugged + interview. 101.9 FM (in Brussels) or for the internet radio !

It will be a première live for some recent Awaken songs ! And sadly the last "Comme Sur Des Roulettes".

See you there ?

Radio Si

lundi 23 juin 2008

Summer fever: Awaken’s workshop, VinaTown, some jetlag in Germany and a flea market

Dear fans, friends, passing smiles and sensual dreamers,

hello. How are you on those warmer days ?

As promised, I can share a little news with you since 21th of June has passed… fruitfully. Enough said, I hope having something to make your day :

Awaken's workshop's Summer fever

Last Saturday, to celebrate the coming of Summer, was the first workshop of the new Awaken live band's embryo. A multi-instrumentist (whose name is still kept secret), a singer (whose name is also a best-kept secret) and myself (whose name is… not that secret anymore) had fruitful discussions about Awaken's past, present and future, plans, short jams and listening to each other's new songs, it seems that you can be prepared to see Awaken playing live the forthcoming Autumn.

Brocante (flea market)

Discounted Awaken cds, special offers, rare Japanese imported 45rpm, antique children's 33 rpm, travel books and more, this is Awaken's brocante on July 6th, Brussels (Woluwé-St-Lambert) ! Will you come and meet ? See the complete info there =>

スペシャル : このクーポンをGillesくん(雪猫ジルくん)に見せると、ディスカウントが出来ます読んで下さい : 宮崎市のアイドルのKoi子の『Vitamin/ 黄昏バス』CD : ユーロだけ / 1400円 (1700円の代わり) !

Awakenの『Party In Lyceum's Toilets』 CD : 12ユーロだけ / 2000円 (2700円の代わり) !


いつ?7日 日曜日 午前時から午後時まで | どこ本屋さんと美容院さんの『Salon Littér'Hair』の前に。

住所はPlace St Lambert, 36, 1200 Bruxelles (Woluwé-St-lambert)

ご注意下さい!大雨が降ったら、『Salon Littér'Hair』の中で遣る… |

ご注意下さいLaekenにも区他のPlace St Lambertがあるから、間違わないで下さい!

Vinatown, city of Vietnam

I'm glad to see the interaction between (the best Vietnamese lessons online) and Awaken. Thanks to our fellows Vinatowners who visit Awaken and listen to our music. Thank you Awaken fans for showing interest in Vietnam and VinaTown. We all appreciate this.

Leonard Cohen once again through the eyes of Awaken

Take a bottle of wine, a bowl of warm rice, an old synthesizer, a tired guitar and hi-tech computer loops. Take a deep breath and an Awakenized cover of Leonard Cohen's « First We Take Manhattan » saw the light of neons. Just a click and you can download it here.

Facebook is just a caress away

If you are on faceBook and need to be caressed by Awaken's music, you can now join our brand new page here .

Jetlag in Germany

To end this news, I want to recommend you a German artist, Jet, who released an vibrant funky yet rock short album on Jamendo: Good times are coming.

Let's all keep good times coming, no ?

See you soon for more tangible and untangible news !

Gilles Snowcat (for Awaken)
