Sébastien Bournier is amongst them. That dude is part of History for being the first drummer who ever recorded a complete song with Awaken, it was some years ago and he’ll be part of the next big thing to be released in a few weeks.
A few weeks? So should I mention Mr Bournier now? Yep. Prior to what you all expect, he just released his own 5th album, I mean his band’s 5th. Band is Sousbock. Ah, now you remember.
The new Sousbock is romantically titled “Un écho dans le brouillard”, which roughly means “An echo in the mist”.
Don’t ask yours truly if he was a guest this time. Cause he is. It’s the track number what I forgot but it’s called “Phobie”. Come one, it's here you folks: www.sousbock-fr.com
The album also features talents that I regularly steal for my own noise, guys like NicoZark and the incredible Trust No One.
By the way, the latter had –almost silently- released two EP’s. “Sick” and “Waster”. And it’s here.
By the way, the latter had –almost silently- released two EP’s. “Sick” and “Waster”. And it’s here.
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