n°10, 12th of November, 2009
Dear friends, fans and passing smiles,
what more can you expect than an interview with Sousbock's leader Sébastien Bournier, a new collaboration Trust No 1 / Snowcat and more tips to travel in Japan? Philosophy, reviews and time machine? You got everything here!OK, time to jump into Awa-news number 10!
Artists sometimes say very smart sentences, with or without knowing.
It's rock'n'roll philosophy time!
After about three lessons, my voice teacher said, "Don't take voice lessons. Do it your way. You're a song stylist. Always do it your way." (Johnny Cash)
The notion is that if you want to welcome me with open arms, I'm afraid you're also going to have to welcome me with open legs. (Gene Simmons)
The difference between a good performance and a great performance is a nap. (George Burns)
What are the hottest news in Awaken's Universe?
With something that one full-lenght album a month, Trust No 1 can be considered as one of the most prolific musician in the indies world.
After a collaboration with Squonk 66, Amanyth and Sousbock, and before hearing him on the new Awaken single, Trust No One hired Gilles Snowcat to appear on the new album, "Spoiled By Purity".
As usual, Trust No One plays all the instruments, while Snowcat sings and adds a few synthesizers and organ. Two songs were co-written by the two bad cats: "Spoiled By Purity" and "Once Bitten In Greece".
Links: http://www.archive.org/details/SpoiledByPurity
http://www.myspace.com/treustnowaneOur interview:
A drummer who gradually became singer, doesn't it remind you of someone? Ringo Starr, Peter Criss or Phil Collins? Or Don Henley? You got it all wrong. We're talking about Sébastien "bARGIO" Bournier, the leader of French band Sousbock since 1998. Seb is also known for being the first drummer to have recorded a studio track with Awaken, the single version of "I Know Time Is Passing By...", and he's featured on the next single to be released this year.
For the new Sousbock album, Lune & L'autre, Seb decided to hire a bunch of external songwriters -to add to the Sousbock team Aurélien Bournier and Nicolas Leroy-, instead of doing all the job by himself. He only contributed to the poems and a nice instrumental track, "Halo". The result of the whole album is beyond expectations: the album rocks! It is a fresh, innovative and daring record taht doesn't deserve the restricted "rock français" sticker anymore. From the introspective "Ce Coeur Qui Bat" to a frighteningly depressive "Rechute", the album covers grounds belonging to classy progressive, pop or hard-rock, with a slight touch of AOR and even slices of jazz-rock. Amazing!
Awaken fans already know that "Gouttes De Pluie" is a composition from the ol' Snowcat, written surrounded by the energizing atmosphere of Beppu City in the winter of 2008.
Nuf said, time to let Seb tell you everything!
-Nice to meet you, Seb. Please use three words to introduce yourself.
-Seb: Nice to meet you too (again). Three words. Not about me I suppose, but about the "musical me". Well, in that case it would be "songwriter" (I HATE the "auteur / compositeur" thing that is used in French. I'm just some random guy who writes songs). "Drummer" because it's my favorite instrument, it's the first one and the one I enjoy the most. And then "Singer" because, well, I sing on my records even though I hate that.
-What brought you to become an active musician?
-Seb: Girls! And Phil Collins. I learned to play the drums because of him. But that's not "the" instrument to impress girls easily. That's why I promised myself to learn the guitar on the first occasion. "Unfortunately" I met my wife to be about year *before* I had the first chance to learn the guitar. So playing the guitar never brought me any luck with the ladies. But I'm fine with this. :-D
-Sousbock just released its 4th album. What’s new compared to older albums?
-Seb: Well almost everything because it's a concept album. No! Don't run away. It's not some boring old progressive rock double album concept. After three albums that I almost wrote alone, I felt that it was time for something new. So I had the idea to send lyrics to friends. And they all agreed to write the music for them. So the concept is "one song, one music writer". And it's a pretty damn good album I believe. A hard one to make (there is always a problem child!!!) but in the end I'm really proud of it. And I can say that without problem because I only write one piece of music for it (which has no lyrics, so it's the first "real" Sousbock Instrumental). And of course, he is not that new, because he was there for the previous one, there is Nico who is I believe, the most important musical encounter that I ever made. Extra Bonus for Awaken's fans: Mister Snowcat himself agreed to contribute one song!!!!
-Among your work, what is the piece that you think represents you the most, and why?
-Seb: A tough one, but I guess that everyone answer this the same way. Well, three songs come to mind. Obviously the first one that "is" the spirit of Sousbock : "Amnesia". Then comes "Veilleur des ombres" which is a 22 minutes song that contains all the emotions that I love. From the pop-rock of "2h03" to the depressive, more artistic and instrumental part of "Une ombre". Then there is this song, from the not yet released fifth album: "Le vide et l'imparfait". It combines both sides (hello Phil) of Sousbock : the pop-rock and the depressive rock. It will also be released on the EOAIAO compilation Evidence(s). That's why it's hard to name one song, because there is "Both sides of the Sousbock". Some light, pop, and joyful songs and some darker, heavier, more depressive ones...
-Any song you’re ashamed of, and why?
-Seb: Not really. In the early days, I tried some funny songs. But that's not really me. That's not what Sousbock is about. I read again the lyrics from one of my first song (that I'm saving for the sixth album) "Et puis". And I felt that the lyrics were quite naïve. But I'm not ashamed of them. I was learning to write. I was learning to express my feelings.
-If you had a magic wand, in what band would you play right now?
-Seb: I would say Genesis of course. But I don't have the musical skill required to play with them. I'd love to play with Jean-Jacques Goldman, but is not touring anymore... So Marillion I guess... But that almost already happened!
-What would you say to Awa-news readers who might not know you, to convince them to listen to your albums?
-Seb: Well, if you're looking for nice French music (well, I sing in French, sorry everyone, but it's Mister Snowcat himself that convinced me to NEVER record my songs in English again), you might want to try Sousbock. That's pop-rock. Not clever, not new, not a revolution, but genuine music, and as I said earlier, there is different kind of songs. So I would be surprised if you don't find one that you don't like!! (and now I hope that everyone will listen to Sousbock, trying to prove me wrong, and that some among will be hooked !)
-Seb: He came for the Marillion French Fan Club's Garden Party. He asked for a guitar. So I brought two guitars, one piano, mics etc... When he saw all of this he asked me to play with him. So we chose the setlist together (Marillion songs, although he proposed me to play some of my own songs, but I declined), he let me sing on many songs, and he is a truly wonderful amazing guy. I will never thank him enough for this!
-Last but not least, would you openly admit that you are an Awaken fan?
-Seb: Of course I will! Furthermore, I'm the drummer for the band for many years now (I still have the email from Mister Snowcat when he asked me to become the drummer!!) even though I only played on two songs and sang on one. I made a cover of my favorite Awaken song, but I'm not that proud of it because I made it in only one hour. I really hope that someday I will have the time to record it again in a proper way.
Thanks for this and love from the planet Sousbock to all Awaken's fans!
Links: www.sousbock-fr.com
9 steps to live your life more meaningfully:
How to travel in Japan? (part 2)
So you are in Japan and you wisely decided to avoid those gaijin-communities and bars where you would only meet Westerners? Good idea. Now that you're on your own, your actually not alone at all: you can always count on Japanese people's friendliness and help, and with a little vocabulary, you will be able to get into the best part of Japanese life (the worst being the work, but I assume that you're a visitor and that you don't have to work). You need to eat (which in Japan, each bite is an orgasm), wear clothes, read books? Don't worry, you can have anything for cheap. And with a good quality. Let yourself be guided by Awa-news now!
1. Joyfull / Cocosu / Sushi Meijin (chain restaurants) ジョイフル / ココス / 寿司めいじん
The name "Joyfull" tells it all: you eat full stomach and enjoy it. Who said chain restaurants were unhealthy and expensive? Joyfull offers you an interesting choice of meat, fish, rice and everything Japanese or Western for a friendly price. As a bonus, you can have a drink-bar nomihoudai (drink as much as you want) and a soup bar, a treat in winter. Cocosu has its own specialities and attracts customers thanks to Doraemon. Then, a chain restaurant for sushi, is it a good idea? Well, when you taste the sushi in Meijin, the answer is clear: YES! Meijin is a kaiten-shushi, which means the dishes circulate between customers on a moving track, and you just pick up what you want. 1 dish is only 105yen and features two tasty pieces of sushi. You can always order more by pushing the bell above you, and a friendly staff will run to take your order. The green tea is free and you drink as much as you want, useful to know when soy sauce is rather salty.
2. Family restaurants
A wonderful way to discover the real Japan is to eat at those small and friendly restaurants, where you can eat big bowls of raamen with a huge glass of nama-bi-ru (fresh beer) while answering the friendly questions of other customers or owners. Never miss an opportunity to eat at a family restaurant, and don't be shy when it comes to push the door: you will always remember experiences like that.
3. Ichiban Kan (tabehoudai) 一番官
Tabehoudai! You eat as much as you want during 1 hour or more (but then the price increases, be warned!). 1 hour is short, though, since you have to grill the meat and veggies by yourself. Better go with someone so you can share the duties. Some crowded days can slow down the process too, so try to go there before or after rush hours. Ichiban Kan has sushi too, but not always as tasty as in a real sushi-ya. Drinks and desserts are without restriction too, which makes me advice you: go there with an empty stomach!
4. Sanrio Shop / Gift Gate サンリオショップ / ギフトゲート
Japan is a paradise for Hello Kitty fans. The cute Cat is everywhere, in several versions following the part of Japan you live in, and 3 times cheaper than in Europe or US. Sanrio has official shops with a lot of Kittychan stuff, from toys to sexy panties, from notebooks to DVD players, from pens to pillows, from postcards to calendars, well... everything is there!
5. Tokiwa / YouMe Town (depaato) トキハ / YouMeTown
Those big department stores can have different types of customers, Tokiwa being more traditional and YouMe Town more fashion-oriented, but they all offer a huge variety of products at various prices, with often a floor dedicated to a 100 yen shop. Honeys in Tokiwa is a must for clothes. Usually, the basement is the food department, with the famous bentou boxes, that give you a delicious and healthy meal to take away.
6. Marushoku / Daie / Cosmos / Hirose (supermarkets, drugstores) マルショク / Daie / コスモス / ヒロセ
Japanese supermarkets and drugstores, temples of good food, fresh or frozen, and a wide variety of drinks including sake and shochu.
7. Daisou & other 100 yen shops ザ・ダイソウ
Although with the taxes nothing really costs 100 yen but 105, you can really live for cheap in Japan if you shop in The Daisou or 100-yen-Plaza regularly. They have absolutely everything, and last but not least most of the items are sold for 105 yens. The few ones that cost 210yen, 315yen or more areclearly mentioned and even the staff will ask you if you noticed the difference when it's time to pay.
8. Book Off / Off House
Second hand books, CDs, DVDs, videogames, magazines, clothes, Hello Kitty, bookcases, fans, heaters, juicers, toys, tables, bags, chairs, guitars, fridges... what else? Go there and see. A nice place to visit anytime.
9. 7/11, Family Mart (Kombini) コンビに
Kombini (convenience stores) are everything you need to survive at night. You can compare them with night-shops but with a wider choice.
On part 3, we'll visit Yamada Denki and take a drink on a vending machine. Stay connected!
Links: http://www.japan-guide.com
What happened on November some years ago?
Let's jump into Awa-news' time machine...
15/11/1988: Crosy Stills Nash and Young come back with the modern-sounding "American Dream".
17/11/1980: Clarke Isaac Hanson (Hanson) says hello to the world. Remember Hanson?
23/11/1969: Donnell Clyde 'Spade' Cooley, swing musician, says bye bye to the world and probably meets his wife Ella Mae Evans up there, wife that he killed by himself previously.
You like Awaken? You *will* like this album:
LIPPS INC., 4 (1983)
Best known for the still widely famous "Funky Town", Lipps Inc is a project by multi-instrumentist Steven Greenberg and guest singers and players. There's obviously a Lipps Inc type of sound, from 1979 till that last LP in 1983. Something thin yet danceable, funky and a bit robotic, with female voices and layers of synthesizers. The album 4 (which is, could you guess, the 4th one) is a bit darker and deeper than the 3 previous ones, with great tunes like "Obsessed", "Never Could Be Sorry" and "Addicted To The Night". "Choir Practice" is a funny gospel-influenced electronic piece and the closer is a tasty slow-motion funk. I have no idea if 4 is available on CD and I honestly don't give a shit: you can find a second-hand vinyl easily, why always bothering about digital editions? 4 is Lipps Inc's best record and you can enjoy a 33rpm, no? I swear it won't kill you.
Links: http://www.funkytown.com/
Who knows what toorrow might bring?
Take care and see you!
email: awamail(at)hellokitty.com
Awaken main sites: www.awaken.be
© AWAKEN-Awanews-
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