n°2, 17th of September, 2009
Dear friends, fans and passing smiles,
thank you for your visit and kind comments on the first issue of Awa-news! As you can see, the n°2 is already an improved version. Besides our usual topics, we are glad to share an interview with a legend of Belgian rock, organist Simon Rigot, share an underrated and wonderful album from Yes, analyse the story of some cute cats, learn how to goro goro, and, how unexpected, give you news about a member of Awaken, The Voice from 1989 till 1997, P'tit Bout!
Don't wait any longer, jump into the world of Awa-news right now!
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Artists sometimes say very smart sentences, with or without knowing. Here are the three goodies of the week:
Do not fear mistakes. There are none. (Miles Davis)
The easiest way to get laid by a girl, or get rid of her, is to write a song about her. (David Crosby)
If you don't make a mistake, you're not trying hard enough. (Charlie Parker)
You know interesting rock'n'roll quotes, or have yours? Send us your quotes here!
What are the hottest news in Awaken's Universe? Awa-news gives you the answer.
What the hell happened to P'tit Bout?!
There are several mysteries on Earth, like the pyramids in Egypt or the Bermuda Triangle. More specifically, music History also has its bunch of unsolved enigmas: is Elvis really dead, did Milli Vanilli really fake, where the hell is Rod Evans, first singer of Deep Purple, and what happened to P’tit Bout, Awaken’s main voice between 1989 and 1997? If Awa-news doesn’t have any clue about the first three buddies, we may have the answer from the 4th question: yeah, believe it or not, P’tit Bout is still rocking!
Heard on some tapes and the first CD “Tales Of Acid Ice Cream”, P’tit Bout’s soulful voice and stage attitude impressed lots of Awaken fans at the time. After the September 1997 restructuration, no one seemed to know what happened to him. The silence lasted exactly 12 years. 12 long years for those who admired the vocals of “This Time Around”, “Requiem For A Golden Destiny” or “Nursery Nymph”. Now Awa-news is glad to spread the good news among fans: P’tit Bout is still active, singing and writing songs!
Under his real name, Lorenz Art, you can hear some of his pieces of music here: http://www.myspace.com/lorenzart
And on a forthcoming issue of Awa-news, a complete interview of P’tit Bout!
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Have you noticed? Have you noticed, or not?
35 years of cute (part I)
Cats are powerful creatures. They can relax you, give you advices (see our “9 tips” chapter, in this very issue), make you laugh and even, sometimes, generating billions of yens.
Hello Kitty, known as Kittychan in Japan, is without a doubt the carrier of the culture of cute. If you ever walked the streets of any Japanese city, you surely were amazed by the omnipresence of the cute cat from Sanrio, appearing in many declinations, wearing an unbelievable bunch of different costumes, showing as many different attitudes, while always keeping that look that comes from the fact that she simply has no mouth. After all, Kittychan is supposed to listen more than to talk.
As heavy as three apples and as high as five apples, Kittychan, now drew by Mrs Yamaguchi Yûko, can be distinguished from her sister Mimichan by her red ribbon on the left ear. Mimi wears a yellow one on the right ear. Well, it’s not as simple as that, since they can decide to wear different colours and even different shapes of ribbon following their mood. But in any case, Kittychan will proudly tell you, even with a slice of arrogance: “Look at my red ribbon, it’s a present from my mom”.
Kittychan can be a pilot of airplanes, ride an elephant who has a door (the funny Zou san), play electric guitar when wearing a Kiss’ Paul Stanley inspired make-up. She can’t wear Peter Criss’, having whiskers already. But still no mouth. Despite, Kittychan can eat and drink. She loves milk, you can often see her with a bottle decorated with a big letter M. She finds wasabi a bit spicy and loves apple cakes, cooked by her mom.
Though some cultures would let Kittychan play with children or young girls, it became obvious that her wide area of attitudes allows her more and more to be owned by older girls and even boys, including men. Mrs Yamaguchi’s predictions happen to come true. Awaken fans already know that the smart neko is always around, don’t they?
Hello Kitty likes to celebrate her birthday, or most likely her anniversaries. Born on first of November, 1974, she’ll soon celebrate her 35 years of conquest of the world. Since her big innocent face on her tiny body always makes Japanese girls shout a heartfelt “Kawaiiiiii” when the cute cat appears, we can say that 2009 is the year of the cute.
See you in Part II...
Sanrio site: http://www.sanrio.co.jp/index.html
Kitty Hell (someone who doesn't like Kittychan, but has a funny site anyway): http://www.kittyhell.com
Do you know more sorts of Kittychan? Send us your titles here!
Our interview:
Simon Rigot: The quest for the holy melody
Simon Rigot is a veteran of the rock scene in Belgium. From his punk bands at the end of the 70’s to nowadays surf soul Leo & The Lunar Tikis or the more soulful psychedelic approach of the Narcotic Daffodils, Rigot is mostly known for writing the hit “My Sweetor” for new-wave combo Berntholer. Naming all of his bands would take an encyclopedia, so let’s focus on his current baby, The Narcotic Daffodils, a hard-to-label band featuring a mix of fun and superb playing. Simon kindly talked about his career and his love for music and his “quest for the holy melody” with Awa-news.
-Nice to meet you, Simon. Please use three words to introduce yourself.
-Simon Rigot: Old Wise Musician
-What brought you to become an active musician?
-Simon Rigot: I've always been a musician, when I began piano at 8. My family is musical. It's a way of life, there was no other way of expression. I tried theatre also (painting never I do have a strong handicap in drawing) but "Music was my first love, and it would be my last".
-You played piano, guitars, some synthesizers in the 80’s. Now you mostly seem to focus on the Hammond organ. Have you become allergic to any other keyboard, or you just love the Hammond so much?
-Simon Rigot:No, I also like the Fender Rhodes and of course classic piano. But indeed I hate those synths were you lose so much time to find a sound, and you forget to write a melody.
-Among your work, what is the piece that you think represents you the most, and why?
-Simon Rigot: "Lunacies" by Berntholer is the best song I ever wrote and recorded in 1984. It has a wonderful melody, Hammond, reverse guitar like Georges Harrison in "I'm only sleeping", folk guitar, a magnificent fretless bass (played by Pol the father of our actual drummer). All was perfect from the creation to the release in England (it was on the "My suitor" EP by Blanco y Negro)
-Any song you’re ashamed of, and why?
-Simon Rigot: No not really. Even "Attention", the B side of my first single with Heavy Manners in 1979 was a funny ska with Trombone. Not really ambitious, but funny and a lot of friends danced on it. Even my first songs in my punk band "Burk" in 1978 were not to be ashamed of. I do have a strong self critic on my own songwriting, so I never go further if I feel the song will be to be ashamed of.
-If you had a magic wand, in what band would you play right now?
-Simon Rigot: The Zombies, but I wouldn't be able to replace Rod Argent. But play with a singer like Colin Blunstone would have been a dream. Or playing organ on the 2 last Beatles albums instead of the late Billy Preston.
-What would you say to Awa-news readers who might not know you, to convince them to listen to your albums?
-Simon Rigot: If you like Hammond, and melodies, don't ignore the stuff. If you like techno, go to the night club and forget me
-How would you relate such different bands as Berntholer, Leo & The Lunar Tikis and The Narcotic Daffodils?
-Simon Rigot: The quest for the holy melody, the perfect melody like "God only knows" (Beach boys) or "A rose for Emily" (The Zombies)
-Last but not least, would you openly admit that you are an Awaken fan?
-Simon Rigot: Yes of course!
The Narcotic Daffodils: http://www.myspace.com/thenarcoticdaffodils
Léo & The Lunar Tikis: http://home.versateladsl.be/simon.rigot/lunar/
Berntholer : http://home.versateladsl.be/simon.rigot/berntholer.html
Kriminal Hammond Inferno: http://home.base.be/simon.rigot/lunar/khi.html
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What happened in September some years ago? Awa-news took its time machine...
16/9/1988: Talk Talk releases Spirit Of Eden, a superb, dark and inventive album.
05/9/1966: The Animals break up. Luckily they would reform twice, like in 1983 to release the stunning "Ark"
19/9/1973: Gram Parsons dies. Sex, drugs and country music.
You know other important dates to remember? Write us here!
9 steps to live your life more meaningfully:
How to 'gorogoro' like a cat?
Have you ever looked at cats sleeping? They never seem to worry too much. Just eat, sleep, walk, make kittens, then sleep again. Rub their nose and ‘gorogoro’. So why humans can’t seem to let loose a little? Awa-news asked a cat to give his advices. Take it or leave it.
1. Do something you really love to do. Be creative! Life is full of ups and downs, and when the downs come, you’d better hang on to something that you’re passionate about. It will make the hard times easier to live and keep the flame alive. Don’t become a manager to please your relatives, if your true self is to be an artist. You’ll have nothing but regrets.
2. Take money as it is: a mean, not a dream! Having a dream will often generate the money to make it come true (or parallel ways). Having only a lot of money won’t generate many dreams. Just a boring life and troubles.
3. Don’t wait to have a cancer, or to lose a close person, or to get in a wheelchair, before realizing what really are your precious moments. Why so many people need to be close to lose their life to finally understand that money and prestige are just nothing!!??? You want to wait for the vincristine to invade your vessels to regret what you haven't done?
4. Know your limits when it comes to social interactions. Yes, have respect for the neighbors, but as long as your private life doesn’t interfere with theirs, don’t give it a fuck! I mean: yes, if they ask you to turn down the volume of the hi-fi at 3 am, respect their sleep. But if they don’t like your car, your clothes or your partner,... so what!!?? Stop being a slave!
5. Don’t take the medias too seriously!!! They will frighten you with the flu, the crisis, exploding iPods, climate changes, crimes and other things like that. Although all those sad facts exist, they don’t deserve the paranoia created by low-talented journalists. Just be careful, not paranoiac.
6. Know who are your real friends. A friend is someone who still respects you even if you make choices that would be different from theirs. If a friend lets you down because he/she doesn’t like your boyfriend/girlfriend or your musical tastes or the way you spend your money, that person IS NOT A FRIEND, just a poor-minded slave who tries to act like a dictator and to rule your life to please their ego.
7. Don’t expect from others what you can’t even give them. Gentlemen, if you expect faithfulness from your beloved wife, try at first not to look at every girl’s boobs in the street. This is common sense. If you want your partner to be 100% into you, be 100% into them. Common sense!Ladies, if you want to be treated like a princess by your husband, you should also treat him like a prince, not like a slave. Common sense again.
8. Indulge yourself with delicious food. Don’t reject so-called unhealthy food, just include it wisely in a healthy diet. Yeah, eat lots of fruits and veggies, AND some fried potatoes, chocolate ice cream, paprika chips. Yes, drink plenty of water and soup, AND good wine, beer, energy drink and whiskey (unless the doctors have a very good reason to forbid you). Just create your own balance.
9. Make love! Breathe! Walk! Be yourself! Be childish sometimes! Make love! Make love! Make love! Read books! Watch movies! Clever books, stupid book! Make love! Clever movies, stupid movies! And make love!
Gorogoro now!
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You like Awaken? You *will* like this album:
Yes, Big Generator (1987)
In the eyes of some, Yes is a pre-historic group that had all of its creativity locked in the 70’s. This album proves that the statement is not only unfair, but also a total lie. Led by innovative hard-rocking guitar from Trevor Rabin, strong high-tech synths and Hammond organ from Tony Kaye, heavy and complex drumming from Alan White, powerful –yet a bit shy- driving bass from Chris Squire and the typical beautiful high-pitched voice of Jon Anderson, Big Generator offers here what I consider as its best music ever released.
The catchy “Rhythm Of Love” opens fire with a modern arrangement sometimes not far from Police, followed by “Big Generator”, an incredible powerful hard-to-label piece that shows how cleverly progressive music had evolved into the 80’s. “Shoot High Aim Low” is a splendid atmospheric song, with Anderson and Rabin echoing each other, upon an irresistible drum riff from Alan White. Kaye plays majestically and the tune wouldn’t be complete without the cute fills from the bass guitar. Thrilling. This A-side ends with a great rocker, “Almost Like Love”, slightly reminiscent of the very early days of Yes, when Kaye was exclusively behind his roaring Hammond.
The B-side starts with a funny radio-friendly song by Rabin, “Love Will Find A Way”, with its unmistakable guitar riff and sing-along chorus, before the mood turns a bit more into the darker Yes from years before: an epic “Final Eyes” and a breathtaking “I’m Running”, with its superb keyboards interventions, must have surprised lots of fans by their diversity and extremely tasty playing from all members. This bunch of rich and dense song would almost make the final track, Anderson’s “Holy Lamb”, sound almost unfinished.
Although Trevor Horn hardly contributed to the production of Big Generator, the sound is perfect and still ahead of its time. In the future, only Talk (1994) and Magnification (2001) would be able to provide inspired stuff that would compete with this Big Generator.
Yes's webiste: http://www.yesworld.com/
You want to send us an album to review? Write us here!
What's hot on the web side? Awa-net surfed for you and found this:
Fans of Genesis wanting to improve your French skills, here’s the perfect site for you: Genesis-fr. Setlists, interviews, lyrics translations, FAQ, facts, a lively forum, you’ll know everything about your favourite group, from the epic Ant era to the moving days of “Calling All Stations”.
Even though Genesis hasn’t done anything creative since their very last tour in 1998 (despite an attempt to work with genius Trevor Horn), the band still has a flamboyant discography, featuring treasures in absolutely every album. Know more about Genesis by visiting Genesis-fr!
URL: http://www.genesis-fr.com
Some Genesis members' own website:
Ray Wilson: http://www.raywilson.net
Anthony Drennan: http://www.myspace.com/antodrennan
Nir Z: http://www.nirz.com
Anthony Phillips: http://www.anthonyphillips.co.uk/
You want your website to be reviewed in Awanews? Submit it here!
Mr Qurtis will reveal everything about his new album during our shocking conversation, memories that inspired your favorite Awaken songs, some thoughts about Peter Gabriel's """live""" recordings (cough cough cough), and more and more. See you next week, enjoy life and music!
You have a special request on a next issue of Awa-news? Ask us here!
email: awamail(at)hellokitty.com
Awaken main sites: www.awaken.be
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