dimanche 25 septembre 2011

Artwork and art rock

Hello hello...

do you know that you can now download the PDF edition of all artworks from the 2006-2010 Awaken / Snowcat era ?
It's in our MP3 section, of course. Where? Here!

Goodbye goodbye...

dimanche 4 septembre 2011

September breaks the news

Dear friends, fans, enemies and passing smiles,

After a lovely and surprisingly creative Summer, here comes September and its stunning falling leaves perfumes.

It’s time to introduce you the cute Doraemon Shop, from my friend Đức, where the blue cat will help you to find discounted clothes and more various items in a near future.


Musically speaking, the new album is still into an exciting recording process. You really can’t wait? Jump on Diagonale Music’s new release: A man or someone (?) & Immensinarium Rooftop tape's band (the album). You have the open-minded ears to enjoy.


Also, have you read the new reviews on the Awaken MP3 Discography? Some like, some hate, you’ll be judges.

Important: there’s a new contact address for yours truly the old Cat in our appropriate section;

And let’s not forget some deep or not deep thoughts on my humble blog.

So, are you prepared for the most surprising to come? If yes, see you soon. If no, you wouldn’t been here reading.
