n°19, 9th of September, 2010 

Dear friends, fans and passing smiles,
you can't believe your eyes, you may be pinching yourself, calling you friends (if ever you still have some) and thinking of believing in miracles:
Awa-news is back!Once a month, in between our regular news, your Awa-news will provide you the extra stuff you're dreaming of, interviews, news from Awaken's friends and mostly: opportunities for you! This month, you will be able to ask questions to Awaken and most of all make some money on Awaken's back.
Along with your usual favorite topics, including the return of the famous INTERVIEW. Today, Mr Franck Craducci accepted to meet the Awa-news team. You expected a ot? We give you
OK, time to jump into Awa-news number 19!

What are the hottest news in Awaken's Universe?
Have you tried it?
-Do you try everything before buying?
You can now decide if you will offer yourself Awaken's frenzy "How Many 'L' Were In Your Name?" or Gilles Snowcat's relaxing and soulful "Yanagigaura". Or both... Click on your choice below, enjoy and get what you want!
-Tales Of Acid Ice Cream...
...will be 15 years old next January. Since its birth, the (in)famous album turned out to become a collector item, in the true meaning of the term. Rare as it can be, the very last pieces are still available for you through our Shopping Center for 60 euros (6400 JPY / 1.400.000 VND / 50 GBP / 75 USD).

And good news: if you order before 31 of December 2010, the shipping is free! Visit our Shopping Center right now!

It's happening outside:
News from other worlds
A new album from Sousbock in sight, David Bowie as silent as ever and Deep Purple still touring? Ah, Nick Simper is back on the road thanks to Austrian band Nasty Habits.

Nick SimperWho said Rod Evans waits for Awaken to call him?

Is Awa-news corrupted to the point of saying good things about fellow co-workers' albums? Let's discover the truth about today's record:
Trust No One: Trying Is The First Step Toward Failure
The ever prolific Trust No 1 is known for a huge amount of instrumental releases, with occasional appearances of a guest singer or two. Awaken fans know him for having invited Snowcat to collaborate (Spoiled By Purity) and played keyboards on Awaken's latest single. But what a suprise when they discover the cover artwork of Trust No 1's new collection of songs, "Trying Is The First Step Toward Failure": this seems so... magnetic!? Did our friend decided to get into the Magnetic Soul movement? That's why we carefully listened to each of the 43 minutes of the prolific artist's record.
The biggest surprise is that now Mister TN1 takes the lead vocal all through the album. And this is a whole change, believe me. The songs, more guitar-oriented than usual, are based on rather dark moods and atmospheres, not far from some Cure's best moments, just to name a very few.
Something as unique as you can dream of, Trust No 1 offers you one of his very best records: Trying Is The First Step Toward Failure

You expect some extra cash to fill your pocket every month and don't want to deliver pizzas for the rest of your life? You have a blog and you like to convince new fans to discover music from your favorite artist? Don't look any further, you can become an official dealer of Awaken / Snowcat by just putting an easy CD Baby affiliate link on your blog or website. Each sale done through that link will get you 1 USD! And if 1USD looks like small money, understand that doing just 100 sales can bring you some nice pocket money. And your seller talent can bring you much more. It's all in your hands. :)

CD Baby will tell you exactly how to do once you follow this link => http://www.cdbaby.biz
Welcome to Awaken Inc.!

Our interview:
Franck Carducci: I mentioned I was a dreamer, didn't I?

You listened and indulged yourself with the Evidence(s) compilation and wondered who was behind the impressively timeless "Journey Through The Mind" from the band Matis? We met Franck Carducci, who is know unknown from Awaken and Sousbock fans since he played with Nicolas Leroy (cf Awa-news n°6). Moreover, Franck, who you can find jamming every night in Amsterdam,should not stay unknown from Genesis fans. We can't tell you why but he can. How? Read...
-Nice to meet you, Franck. Please use three words to introduce yourself.
-Franck Carducci: Fussy, perfectionist and dreamer
-What brought you to become an active musician?
-Franck Carducci: I was raised in a family full of musicians. Cousins, uncles already working in the music business so I guess that pulled me up somehow. I started learning to play piano at 5 and guitar at 12, and I still remember the thrill of my fisrt rock gig in a club, I was 15 and I wasn't even supposed to be allowed to get in that smoky place. But anyway we rocked the whole night on :o)
-You played in front of Steve Hackett and got to know him. Can you tell me how this encounter influenced you in a creative way ? Hackett being a kind of a wise man, does he give you precious advices ?
-Franck Carducci: Such an amazing experience that I'm still wondering if it really happened! It actually gave me a lot of inspiration and positive energy to get the motivation to dig up old stuff I did some time ago. I got some nice discussions with Steve and he gave me some precious tips like how they recorded 12 string guitars back in the GENESIS time, how he played the effects in the beggining of "The Lamb", how he played the violin-guitar on "Carpet Crawlers" or how he ajusts his guitar necks to get the best rendering out of them, stuff like that ...
Just before I entered the stage for his opening act in Alsace, he was at the door and he gently patted my shoulder and told me "take it easy and enjoy each and every moment of it!" I can tell you I did! :o) Steve trying on my 12 strings guitar in Rome was also a hot moment for me.

Franck with Steve Hackett
-Rumour has it that you're working on your own project, with special guests included. Can you tell us a little bit more?
-Franck Carducci: Yeah and again, Steve is mainly the one to blame for this :o) So I started the recording of a "some will call progressive rock album" that I hope I'll be able to release early 2011. It will contain 4 main tracks, one psychedelic song I co-wrote when I was 17, one epic about Achilles and the Trojan war I wrote 5 years ago, one tribute to Stanley Kubrick's 2001 Space Oddyssey I wrote a couple of years ago and one about Alice in Wonderland I wrote this summer. It should be a pretty funny blend, and there might be a couple of bonus tracks! I used the "Kubrick song" to also pay tribute to David Bowie's "Space Odditty" and to Pink Floyd's "Echoes", as those two songs - that I love - are both somehow linked/related to Kubrick's motion picture, so I think you will be able to hear some familiar riffs here and there. I tried to make those references without sounding as a parody, I hope it'll work out well. As for the special guests on the album, I won't give up all the secrets already :o) but in addition to familiar names like Phildas Bhakta or Nicolas Leroy, ... I'm thrilled to have John Hackett (Steve's brother), Larry Crockett (drummer for Elton John, Bono, Poppa Chubby, Liz McComb, ...) and Yanne Matis (who I collaborated with some years ago) who also accepted to participate.

Matis album
-Among your work, what is the piece that you think represents you the most, and why?
-Franck Carducci: I'd say LIVE performances as a whole. As a matter of fact I'm really a LIVE man. I mean, I've been involved in the recording of about 15 albums for different artists but nothing really belongs to me, nothing is very representative. I'm more the arranger/helper dude. Although the MATIS album "Encore" was probably the project where I was involved the most, and "Journey Through The Mind" would be my favorite track in this. As for the LIVE, I'm out there playing almost every night! Probably couldn't live without this.
-Any song you’re ashamed of, and why?
-Franck Carducci: Not really, I'm throwing them all away before I can get ashamed anyway!
-If you had a magic wand, in what band would you play right now?
-Franck Carducci: Ideally Pink Floyd or Genesis in the 70's but they probably wouldn't sound as good with me replacing Roger Waters or Mike Rutherford and I surely wouldn't like that.
Right now I'd love to play in Paul McCartney's current band, I think it'd be a blast to play the Beatles and Wings classics between Paul and Abe Laboriel Jr. I'd love to play in Supertramp, even more if Roger Hodgson would team back up. (I mentioned I was a dreamer, didn't I?)
-What would you say to Awa-news readers who might not know you, to convince them to listen to your albums?
-Franck Carducci: Wait for the next album coming up ;o)

Double trouble?
-You live now in Amsterdam. How different is the music scene there ?
-Franck Carducci: It's very different mainly because it's a fairly small city, but as a capital, a cosmopolite city and a completely english oriented place (both for language and culture), there's a great rock scene. Lots of clubs with Live music every days until 4 in the morning, lots of opportunities to meet great people, great musicians, lots of JAM sessions. As I don't care too much about bad weather or food, I'm definitely loving it!
-Last but not least, would you openly admit that you are an Awaken fan?
-Franck Carducci: Well ... who isn't?


You have a secret question to ask Awaken? Be the interviewer! It's your turn to lead the interview by sending your fan question here. The answer will come within a day or two. Or 3.

Your beloved Awa-net has been updated and became, according to some faithful dans, easier and smoother to visit.
Moreover, the whole discography is now concentrated in one single page. Where to listen, release date, how to buy, every detail is here:
Awaken-Snowcat discography in English / Japanese / Vietnamese

You like Awaken? You *will* like this album:
David Bowie, Tonight (1984)

The most hated albums of David Bowie (besides "Never Let Me Down"), "Tonight is far from being that bad! Sure i's not as creative as "1.Outside" or "Diamond Dogs", but well,... so what!? "Tonight" offers a bunch of great mid-80's classy fiunk-pop, blue-eyed soul tunes, including the masterpiece "Loving The Alien", the deliciously insane reggae "Don't Look Down", the frenzy funky "Tumble & Twirl", a great cover from the Beach Boys ("God only Knows") and well, much more. OK the titletrack isn't really that appealing (sounding like a cheap reggae-parody), the sound is sometimes a bit too clean "Blue Jean" is anything but inspired but hey, "Neighborhood Threat" , don't tell me it doesn't make you start to dance!?
Links: http://www.davidbowie.com

Echoes in the dark:
We heard it through the grapevine
This month, the ECHOES chapter gives a tribute to 2 artists found on ReverbNation. After all, isn't it the reverb that gives the best... echo? (Ah ah ah)

Harry Narestu Lintang, guitarist from Indonesia, introduces his Asian pop rock songs.
Visit and listen here!
Imani Zubeh offers an impressive funk with a slice of jazz and modern synths. Well, he played with Cheryl Lynn and Ray Parker Jr, to name a few.
Take a step toward his great music now! 

...will be October. So? Well, you'll see.
In waiting, take care and see you!

email: awamail(at)hellokitty.com
Awaken main sites: www.awaken.be
It's Oh! Music

© AWAKEN-Awanews-

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